Sample Letter – Auditor Appointment Letter | Statuary and Internal Audit

Auditor Appointment Letter format  – Sample Letter

(Take this print in to your company letter head)

Date …………………..

Name of the Auditor
Address 1
Address 2 
Place – Pin code

Dear Sir,

Sub: Appointment as Auditor for purpose of audit u/s. 63-A of The TNVAT Act, 2006, for the financial year ended on 31st March, XXXX

We are pleased to inform you that your firm has been appointed as Auditors of our company for conducting the audit under section 63-A of the TNVAT ACT 2006 for the accounting period from XXXXX to XXXXX

You will be provided with the audited financial statements, monthly VAT / CST returns and other relevant documents / supporting details. You are requested to conduct the audit and issue report in Form WW. 

The remuneration for the conduct of this audit will be fixed by the Managing Director / Director /Board of Directors / Partners in consultation with you. 

Yours faithfully,



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