Mantrimall/Mantrigame the most trusted color prediction platform in India. In fact, every day, over 2 million people actively earn money through this online game. However, to be honest, not everyone manages to make a profit—only those who truly understand the winning tricks can consistently succeed. Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry because you’ve come to the right place!
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App Instructions:
There are four channels: PARITY, SAPREE, BCONE, and EMRED. You can place bets on all four channels at the same time. However, we suggest watching and understanding the trend before focusing on just one channel.
Each channel has a different color sequence that changes every 3 minutes. Additionally, the betting counter will be locked during the last 30 seconds, so you must choose either green or red and place your bet before that.
The minimum betting amount is Rs. 10/-. You can choose a color or number to bet on. The result will be either red or green, while violet appears only occasionally.
To get started, register and recharge your account with an amount between Rs. 500 and Rs. 1500

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How to Win Mantrimall Colour Prediction App?
We are researching about mantrigame / mantrimall since 2019, all these years we gave many important tricks to our followers, you can learn everything from our blog posts. Ne we bring you some new important ticks and hacks about mantrigame. lets decode it here..
Once you registered with any colour prediction app. fix the amount that you are going to deposit. you must be have a very clear formula about recharging and withdrawing. If you want to make a good money then follow our method.
You must recharge Rs.5500/- only. Rs.500/- is for testing purpose and Rs.5000/- is for investment you must not invest more money then this. this will be your first and last investment in mantrigame.
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Mantrimall Color Prediction Tricks & Hack
I cant stop laughing when i am hearing this.. Don’t depend too much on teachers..!! we must understand this game, the teachers from mantri malls are only here for make us loss. If we play our own there will be very much chance to success but “m damn sure that the teachers will never make you profit. they are giving you profit for 4 days and took every profit and your investments, savings, pocket money, RD balance, petrol, Welfare expenses in a single time. So, Don’t believe in that teachers suggestions better to leave from all suggestion groups and play your own.
when your seeing the perfect trend is going in any channel, at the same time you are getting massages from Whatsapp groups about this trend. Yes.., that was the best moment ever in you life man, even you had lost by following trend for more than 89 times, still you could smile. Because the trend may looks easy way to earn but you can not say when its going to end, It will broke when you put all your money, i know many people have this experience, so if you are following any trend then keep betting the same or lesser amount from the first bet. if the trend continues to 10 times you will get profit for 8 times. - DON’T USE DOUBLE / TRIPLE INVESTMENTS
This methods were found only by the teachers to loss our money instantly. you can think if you invest double to earn profit and manage the past loss. But remember loss also double when your predictions gone wrong. So, please try to avoid investing double all the times. it could be working some times but if you must know when you need to quit this. - DON’T INCREASE THE BETTING AMOUNT
When you playing Wino games you must keep the sufficient fund in your game wallet. if your are having 500 rupees in you wallet you must playing with 20 rs per bet until you reach to 1000 rupees. - THINK LESS AND BET NEGATIVELY
Don’t think too much.. Whenever you betting a colour by thinking too much and discussing with your friends but the result is wrong.
Stop thinking too much on the next colour. always your first prediction might be correct - SAVE YOUR TIME
Time is more valuable than everything, don’t spend too much time for predicting the sequence, understand the trend and start betting low amount, if you thing you are loosing continuously than stop playing, take a break. first your mind needs to be calm to win this game. - THEY WILL NEVER MAKE YOU PROFIT
As i said teachers will never make you profit so don’t believe in them, also bet minimum amount for their suggestions, if they tell you to put 10% than you bet with 5%. Many time they are giving us loss more than 100% by saying wrong predictions. after they will give you profit but you should have a balance in your wallet. - STOP INVESTING AGAIN AND AGAIN
When you betting the same percentage or higher than that you will easily lost your money. than you have to recharge again to gain that loss. so don’t always use 4% of money for a single bet. don’t recharge again.

Saving money is the better way to earning money So, stop losing you money from today. when i lost my 4700 i realized that my friends were earned 4700 by not playing this at the time. I lost only i started to play. I hope this will change your mind and your way of seeing this game. I am personally advising you recover your losses, don’t feel if it is 1 lakh rupees just bring it to a restaurant eat and drink whatever you want. At lease we will never feel guilty..!
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Any body play betwin wingo I want please help me ..
If you want to be in a safe zone, then its better to avoid all money earning games / apps. As i clearly mentioned in this blog post, No game will give your easy cash, you have to play your own ideas and make money with that.
Also i told early that, the teachers are not your friends, they are giving their predictions, its your job to predict and play. If you don't want to play just leave. I'm writing this post for the people who don't understand this game. Many people earning daily Rs. 1500/- from this in my circle.
Don't listen anybodies advice, see the game, predict your own. Earn money!
How much persent increase when prediction is wrong??
Wingo ka Right answer chiya